The Oasis Guideway System incorporates the proven and patented technologies necessary for developing and expanding strong economies:
transportation of people and cargo,
movement of resources,
communication facilitation, and
water, where needed.
By integrating multiple infrastructure elements, Zipline Green has created a robust solution that can meet the specific needs of our client communities.
Explore a topic below to learn about our technology and how we integrate our Four Pillars approach to supporting our client communities' social and economic development.
Our solution incorporates a combination of clean power generation methods – solar, wind, hydro, thermal, and electromechanical – that both leverage the available resources to each application and which ensure that our solution generates sufficient energy to operate completely independent of local power grids.
Often, our solution generates significant surplus power which can be used to
augment existing power generation capabilities. Additionally, by integrating multiple elements of
infrastructure into a single platform, our solution provides economies of scale in both construction and operation over independent installations. Lastly, by creating multiple streams of revenue, each infrastructure component contributes to the payback for all the others. The combination of these key elements results in significantly shorter payback periods than traditional infrastructure projects rendering each project commercial lending eligible.
Our solution incorporates both Net Zero Energy Design and Net Positive Design in construction and operation. Zipline Green uses recycled and/or repurposed materials to the extent possible and available for each project proposed. In addition to being net zero, our monorail system is both extremely low vibration and low noise. In some instances, Zipline Green can also reduce the environmental impact of unrelated industries by neutralizing and then using the often-toxic byproducts of their processes.
Our strategy is aimed at ensuring our client communities have the skills and resources necessary to both promote as well as to continue their social and economic development long after project completion.
Local Partnerships
Each project is built and operated by a joint venture company created by Zipline Green and a local partner where profits are shared on a 50-50 basis thereby ensuring the client community retains a fair share of the financial rewards derived from the project and to ensure the means to continue their economic development.
Local Manufacturing & Assembly
Zipline Green strongly prefers to assemble components locally to our high standards. Additionally, Zipline Green consistently seeks opportunities to
establish regional facilities for the manufacture of key
components such as rail cars, solar panels and batteries.
Workforce Development
It is important to develop the capacity of the local workforce. Integral to every project proposed, Zipline Green develops and delivers vocational educational programs
specifically designed to develop the local workforce to successfully meet the needs of our project, and their future employment.
Job Creation
Job creation drives economic and social development.
Our projects create large numbers of direct, indirect, and induced jobs in our client communities.
Power and data resiliency systems are integral to the Oasis Guideway System. Power lines, fiber optic cables and battery systems are located safely inside the guideway. These systems allow for uninterruptable power and communications systems, giving our client communities safety, security and resilience.
Our power systems include the V2 Integrated Battery Management System, which allows for the simultaneous charging and discharging of power storage. The system is scalable in both capacity and voltage and compatible with the differing systems worldwide. Zipline Green has secured exclusive rights for all rail applications of this technology.
The design of our Guideway allows for expansion of fiber optic data capacity, allowing our client communities virtually uninterruptable data access -- even when the local power is out.
People and Cargo are moved utilizing the Urbanaut Monorail technology, of
which Zipline Green has exclusive access to via our global joint venture.
This train technology -- the most efficient electric train in the world -- offers a
flat-chassis monorail technology that can move people and cargo at speeds of
up to 160 kph.
For people, the Urbanaut Monorail offers a quiet, low vibration ride with
no emissions. -
For cargo, we offer several vehicle options including the ability to attach a
cargo container directly to the flat chassis for seamless movement to and
from ports and other facilities.
The movement of resources is handled through the use of pipelines and
conveyor systems, which are located inside the Guideway. Our pipeline
systems, which include a proprietary leak management technology, can move
liquids and gasses of all types, as well as mining slurries and coal logs.
For instances where slurry transport in not feasible, we offer enclosed
conveyor systems.
By elevating our Guideway, the safety threat to people, vehicles and wildlife is greatly reduced. The structure itself is designed to be resistant to damage from naturally occurring events such as earthquakes and typhoons.
The Guideway itself offers secure storage for parts and tools and allows for maintenance to be performed by local technicians by utilizing an integrated maintenance tunnel.
Where needed, individual components can be further shielded to increase protection of those assets as well as protection of the surrounding environment.
Internal fire suppression and surveillance equipment reduce potential losses and enhance safety for our client communities.
Every location on our planet has natural and man-made disasters that can affect it. Many of these are accompanied by the loss of local power and an increased need for ambulatory support services. Because the Oasis Guideway System is completely self-powered, we are able to move disaster recovery assets and personnel into the affected areas -- even if the local power systems are offline.
In tropical areas, following a typhoon, residents are often called upon to care for themselves for at least three days. Assuming our guideway network is not damaged, we could be moving mobile clinics, supplies of fresh water and food, as well as healthcare and emergency management personnel into the affected communities within hours of the storm's passing -- saving lives and restoring faith in our communities.
Zipline Green is committed to providing eco-friendly integrated infrastructure and transportation solutions. Part of this commitment is fulfilled by the integration of re-purposed materials into our construction processes:
Utilizing state of the art geopolymers -- created from once toxic materials -- to strengthen our building materials.
Using crushed materials from mine tailings as the sand base for our concrete.
To support our client communities rising water needs, we have designed the guideway to capture rain and snow, store it locally in its liquid form and then make it available for use by our operations and the needs of the local community. With minimal processing, this grey water can be used for irrigation or for self-cleaning public toilets which can be installed along the route.